With 2010 already in full swing, many people have made the typical resolutions: lose weight, quit smoking, get in shape etc. For a couple in marital crisis however, there may be no desire to do much of anything. I'm going to suggest something to anyone who is in a bad marriage: Make a New Year's resolution to take care of yourself! Commit to a diet and exercise regimen even if you have to force yourself. A poor diet of junk food might bring temporary pleasure while you are eating it but eating healthy makes you feel better long term. An exercise regimen might be something as simple as a walk around the block, or situps & jumping jacks in the morning. Make time for daily prayer or meditation. All of these have been proven to put people facing crisis in a much more resourceful state to handle that crisis.
All my best to you and your partner in 2010!
All my best to you and your partner in 2010!